
Task Settings

Which tasks are assigned to the operators?

Include up to 15 task types from the list of provided tasks or add tasks.

Please include at least one task.

{{ }}

5. Essential / interruptible
6. How frequently does this task occur for a {{textStrings.operator.toLowerCase()}}?
6. After {{ taskSettings.tasks[task.leadTask].name }} task arrives, when does this task follow?
7. When this task appears, how much time can it wait to be completed before it becomes invalid?
8. How long does it take a {{textStrings.operator.toLowerCase()}} to complete this task?
Which tasks are following this task?

Include up to 10 following task types from the list of provided tasks or add following custom tasks.


How many different teams of {{textStrings.operators.toLowerCase()}} are there?
How many {{textStrings.operators.toLowerCase()}} are in the flex team?

{{ }}

2. Team Size / Communication
How large is the team?

At least one active task/{{textStrings.fleet.toLowerCase()}} combo needs to be selected for this operator.
{{}} {{textStrings.otherSources}}
Task Priority
5. For every error, what is the chance that the team will catch it for each task?
Is this AI faster or slower than a human {{textStrings.operator.toLowerCase()}} to complete a task?
faster slower
How many times?

Does this AI more or less likely fail a task than a human {{textStrings.operator.toLowerCase()}}?
more likely less likely
How many times?

Does this AI more or less likely catch an error than a human {{textStrings.operator.toLowerCase()}}?
more likely less likely
How many times?
What tasks are this AI responsible for?
At least one task needs to be selected for this AI.
What is the level of this AI?
What is the level of this AI?

{{ textStrings.fleetSettings }}

{{ textStrings.qFleets }}

{{ }}

2. {{ textStrings.fleet}} Size / Communication
{{ textStrings.qNumVeh }}

At least one task needs to be selected for the fleet.
{{ ind + 1 }}


{{ ind + 1 }}

Review Settings

Type of simulation {{globalSettings.simType}}
Shift Scheduled {{globalSettings.numHours }} hours
Transitioning Period {{hasTransitionForReview}}
Extreme Conditions {{hasExogenousForReview}}
{{ fleetSettings.fleetTypes }} {{ textStrings.fleets }} with Other Sources
{{ }}
Number of {{ textStrings.vehicle }}s in {{ textStrings.fleets }} {{fleet.numVehicles}}
{{ textStrings.vehicle }} to {{ textStrings.vehicle }} Communications {{miscSettings.comms[fleet.comms]}} {{miscSettings.comms['N']}}
Tasks Associated with {{ textStrings.fleet }} {{fleetTasksForReview[index].join(", ")}}
Traffic Levels
{{ textStrings.otherSources }}
Tasks Associated {{fleetOSTasksForReview.join(", ")}}
Traffic Levels
{{ totalOperatorTeams }} {{ textStrings.operator }} Teams
Flex Position Team
Team Size {{operatorSettings.flexTeamSize}}
{{ }}
Team Size {{team.size}}
Communications {{miscSettings.comms[team.comms]}} {{miscSettings.comms['N']}}
{{ textStrings.operator }} Strategy {{team.strategy}}
Tasks/{{ textStrings.fleets }} associated with {{ textStrings.operator }}
Task {{ textStrings.fleet }}
{{}} {{fleetNamesOpExpertise(team, i)}}
Artificial Intelligence {{AIDATypeForReview[index]}}
We simulated {{resultSettings.numReps}} days of dispatch operations during this {{resultSettings.hours}} hour shift {{resultSettings.exoFactors}}. Here are your results on how each {{textStrings.operator.toLowerCase()}} and team spent their time at work, including a breakdown by task(s) and {{textStrings.fleet.toLowerCase()}}(s). In the next tabs, you should find results on errors and delays in performance.

{{ textStrings.operator }} Workload

Utilization (% busyness) represents workload. When an operator spends too much of their shift below 30% or too much time above 70% utilization, research has shown that they begin to underperform.

We found that {{ resultSettings.lowWorkloadTeams }} spent, on average, more than half of each shift with low workload. {{ resultSettings.highWorkloadTeams }} spent, on average, more than half of each shift with high workload.

Most of the time, {{ resultSettings.busyTimePerOp }}. Continue below here to see is contributing to your operators' busyness.

Breakdown of Time by Task per Team

{{ resultSettings.busyTimePerTask }}

Breakdown of Time by By {{ textStrings.fleets }} per Team

{{ resultSettings.busyTimePerFleet }}

Failed Task Analysis

Placeholder for explanation
Missed Tasks Incomplete Tasks Failed Tasks and Not Caught Failed Tasks and Caught
{{ textStrings.operator }} Team Task Name Cnt Avg SD Cnt Avg SD Cnt Avg SD Cnt Avg SD
Placeholder for explanation

{{ textStrings.operator }} Wait Time

Placeholder for explanation -----------------.

Breakdown of Time by By Tasks Per Team

{{ resultSettings.waitTimePerTask }}

Breakdown of Time by By {{ textStrings.fleets }} Per Team

{{ resultSettings.waitTimePerFleet }}
Placeholder for explanation - This includes utilization raw data for each {{textStrings.operator}}.
Placeholder for explanation - This includes failed task raw data and its summary.
This will print out the current result page.